I/O Error [Errno 2]

Error: Error while saving e-mail
Ignoring this error message.
If you want, please report the following traceback at www.gmail-backup.com/forum
Thanks! (gmb.py revision 674):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gmb.pyo", line 1230, in backup
File "gmb.pyo", line 961, in store
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'z:\\GmailBackup\\2009/02/20090212-074441-rwzehr@gmail_com-Re:_Verification_of_comment_posted:_123445337004548900-1.eml'

Obviously this program cannot yet be trusted, since many many emails contain the text string "Re.:", and such emails are not backed up.

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This bug should be fixed in

This bug should be fixed in the 0.107 release. Can you test this?

Thank you for bugreport