Colon used in file name inside zip file by Gmail Backup - cannot unpack the zip file on Windows

I just made a backup using the latest version of Gmail Backup, revision 674 (2009-01-27), to a zip file.

But I cannot unpack the zip file on Windows. Inside the zip file, Gmail Backup has made file names with colons (":") in it, and that character is not allowed in Windows.

Please use only characters that are allowed in Windows. Definitely avoid these:

" * : < > ? \ / |

as well as all control characters from 0 to 31 in the Ascii character set.

See also

Best regards,
Jesper Hertel

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Same problem in normal files

I just discovered that the same problem exists when I backup to normal files/folders too: ":" is not escaped/changed:

"Error: Error while saving e-mail
Ignoring this error message.
If you want, please report the following traceback at
Thanks! ( revision 674):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gmb.pyo", line 1230, in backup
File "gmb.pyo", line 961, in store
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'D:\\Backup\\Gmail\\Gmail Backup\\2008/11/20081125-100026-calendar-notification@google_com-[Pamindelse]_Faste_6_timer_f_r_ogsa_undga_v_ske_2008-11-26_11:00_17:00_(Jesper)-1.eml'"

By the way, it was by chance that I saw the error message...

Could there be a way to tell the user in a safe and clearly visible way that errors have occurred during backup? Mentioning the erros in the log is not enough to make them be seen by the user. If the errors are not told very clearly and visible the user is not aware that the backup is not complete.

Could there be a way to tell

Could there be a way to tell the user in a safe and clearly visible way that errors have occurred during backup? Mentioning the erros in the log is not enough to make them be seen by the user. If the errors are not told very clearly and visible the user is not aware that the backup is not complete.


This bug should be fixed in

This bug should be fixed in the 0.107 release. Can you test this?

Thank you for bugreport