Emails with very long subject lines fail to save


Thanks for making this program. As soon as gmail went down today I started kicking myself that I hadn't done a backup.
Anyway. It almost all backed up fine, except some long file name issues.

GMail Backup revision 691 (2009-02-20)
Error: Error while saving e-mail
Ignoring this error message.
If you want, please report the following traceback at
Thanks! ( revision 691):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gmb.pyo", line 1225, in backup
File "gmb.pyo", line 956, in store
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\Users\\Usera\\GMail Backup\\my_user_name_\\2007_07_20070705-113710-martinsmoneytips@moneysavingexpert_com-_Spam_Disarmed_New_400_gym_saving_chart_DVDs_6_quid_of_Nectar_points_cut_credit_card_costs_without_new_cards_500_free_tesco_points_and_much_more_MoneySaving_-1.eml'

If I try to create that file on my harddrive it fails for being too long a path name.
